Wednesday, February 24, 2010

20 February 2010, Vote to Sing Donation

Number of people: 15 people
We held this event to let everyone have a chance to donate their money after receiving their ang pao from Chinese New Year.

This event is held by passing down a list of song, a paper that ask for information such as nama voter, nama of the person who he/she votes, song number, message, singer and price. The minimum price is RM2.00 and the target is RM250.

However, some generous people donate more than RM2.00. If everyone donate RM2.00, we need to listen to 125 songs in 1 night but that does not happen. We thank God for this.=)

We reach our target and even surpass it. The amount collected is RM280++.

While we listen to the song, we also have some food and drinks which is the leftover from everyone's house during the Chinese New Year.

We have 2 person who come back from study oversea to join us which is 任卫 and 晓媛.

p.s if anyone have the picture of that night, please send it to me or upload it to the En Tao Methodist Church in facebook. 10Q
Next week gathering: Bible study.

17 February 2010, Chinese New Year visiting

Chinese New Year visiting
Number of people: 11

This Chinese New Year visiting is only for Methodist Youth Fellowship.
We gather at church at about 6.45pm and started visiting at about 7pm. The first house we go is the house of this year's 主席 which is "美~美~!".

Then we go to Lily, "应光", "光权", "勇明", "世亮", "初豪" and lastly "郁舫"

We eat, drink, play and chat a lot. Of course we also receive some angpao.

This Chinese New Year visiting had undoubtedly increase the relationship of the fellowship.

Year 2010 Facilitator

Long time no see. Hahaha.

2010 年恩道棠青团职员.

主席: 熊美美Yung Mee Mee
副主席: 郑世亮Nicholas Tay Sze Lian
财政: 郑欣欣Tang Sing Sing
文书: 吴欣慧Goh Sin Hui

信仰组: 黄顺杰Wee Soon Ziet
见证组: 吴光权Goh Guang Quan
宣教组: 卢诗琴Lu Shi Qing
团契组: 郑初君Tang Choo Zin
公民组: 郑初豪Tang Choo Hou

p.s please correct me if there is any error, especially the chinese words. :-)
Also please send me any picture related to our Methodist Youth Fellowship.