Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Year 2010 Facilitator

Long time no see. Hahaha.

2010 年恩道棠青团职员.

主席: 熊美美Yung Mee Mee
副主席: 郑世亮Nicholas Tay Sze Lian
财政: 郑欣欣Tang Sing Sing
文书: 吴欣慧Goh Sin Hui

信仰组: 黄顺杰Wee Soon Ziet
见证组: 吴光权Goh Guang Quan
宣教组: 卢诗琴Lu Shi Qing
团契组: 郑初君Tang Choo Zin
公民组: 郑初豪Tang Choo Hou

p.s please correct me if there is any error, especially the chinese words. :-)
Also please send me any picture related to our Methodist Youth Fellowship.

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