Family day.
Number of people: About 40.
This family day is organized for everyone in the church to participate and have a better relationship between family through the game this day.

This is the field used for the game.
First game is walk while holding a bench on the hand.

Seems easy but it is tiring to do it over and over again.

Now this is already not counted because the last girl is out of the bench.

Next game is blind game. Fold one's eyes and then there is a conductor will guide her/him from another side through voice. Quite easy because it is a straight line game.

See, not hard at all. Hahaha.

Catching a water balloon using whatever you use.

See, big cloth sure have advantages.

Use hand also not bad. Only will get wet sometimes..

The balloon don't even explode in this shape....

Next is holding a balloon between their back.

They use their cloth to hold it and they hold their cloth using their hand. Good idea since our rules is do not touch the balloon with your hand.
We have an indoor game which is action game. The person in front do the action and the team member will need to guess the action.

Monkey eating banana.

Monkey is running away!
Next is the climax of the family day. Eating competition.

First station. 7up sprite!!!!
Actually is salt water.

Bread. So suffer...

Cola, what kid likes the most.

Some people like this very much. It is cucumber.

"Oh my God....i want to vomit!!!"

Last station is egg!!!! yum Yum...