Morning. We arrived church at 7.00am to do some practice and warm up for singing part.
Around 7.40am, some people already arrived.
The host started the 青年之夜 with a song.
After that, we have "xin xin" to share her experience in Methodist Youth Fellowship with us.
Our bible reader.
Another bible reader.
Our temporary Methodist Youth Fellowship choir group.
Lu reverent gave his speech about "The different of the world because of you and me" 世界应你我而不一样。
杨华成牧师'sHome news.
Special event. The 职员 of 恩青were performing a song.
8 of 10 people in the morning session.
6.00pm, we gathered at the church again to do some preparation of night time 青年之夜We have a full time photographer at night time 青年之夜.
Night time host, 黄凯玲^^(also the designer for the T's)
Worship time!
Pianist, guitarist and drummer.
Serious in doing their part.
Always the calm one?
Thank you to this band.
Sharing her experience, 徐欣欣
The number of people at night 青年之夜 is more than morning.
9 of 10 people in night session. Another AJK was in toilet.=.= who hor?
Girls only for morning session.
Everyone of Methodist Youth Fellowship with 2 reverents in morning session.
2009青年主日ended in success, because of the teamwork and also God's help...
btw, reach the 奉献目标also... just over RM1000/-